Koleksi Sepedaku

my name is Nevo

I was a bike that has the capability belonging evobenx mileage so long, I have a neutral black color, I hope to inspire a healthy and harmonious,

I live with my owner named evobenx, and I have always been treated very well as partners,

I want to have lots of friends who can take me into the world of good and healthy ..

spirit and always keep smiling ...

by Nevo with evobenx

my name is X-cen

I was a bike that has the capability belonging evobenx mileage so long, I have a neutral black color, I hope to inspire a healthy and harmonious,

I live with my owner named evobenx, and I have always been treated very well as partners,

I want to have lots of friends who can take me into the world of good and healthy ..

spirit and always keep smiling ...

by X-cen with evobenx

my Name is X-nine

I was a bike that has the capability belonging evobenx mileage so long, I have a neutral black color, I hope to inspire a healthy and harmonious,

I live with my owner named evobenx, and I have always been treated very well as partners,

I want to have lots of friends who can take me into the world of good and healthy .

spirit and always keep smiling ...

by X-nine with evobenx